

45 Uppsatser om Tragedy of the commons - Sida 1 av 3

Differentieringen av det generella strandskyddet : attitydundersökning i Gagnefs kommun och Bergs kommun

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur Gagnefs kommun och Bergs kommun arbetar med det generella strandskyddet, vilka attityder till detta som finns i kommunerna och hur arbetet påverkar landsbygdsutvecklingen. Särskilt fokus läggs på hanteringen av små sjöar och vattendrag. Undersökningen har skett med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod som innefattar intervjuer med markägare och tjänstemän från kommunerna samt observationer. Analysen utgår från Garrett Hardins begrepp Tragedy of the commons, Elinor Ostroms begrepp common-pool resources och open access resources samt Bo Rothsteins begrepp sociala fällor och tillit. Slutsatsen med uppsatsen är att Gagnefs kommun och Bergs kommuner arbetar olika med strandskyddet gällande små sjöar och vattendrag. En majoritet av informanterna anser att det generella strandskyddet endast ska omfatta naturliga vattendrag, samt att strandskyddet bör vara mer flexibelt på landsbygden än i storstäderna. Flexibiliteten innebär exempelvis att strandskyddets regelverk ska anpassas till platsen och inte tillämpas generellt över hela landet..

Intellectual Property Rights in Software : A Critical Investigation from an Ethical Perspective

The development of software was considered until the beginning of the 1990th as a cathedral like product development in closed companies. This way of development changed in the last decade. Open source software (OSS) development challenged this consideration significantly. OSS is produced in co-operation by skilled people, distributed and used by many moral agents. The result, the software itself, can be studied and modified.

Mus, mick och penna: En kompositörs mångsidiga process i skapandet av verket Tragedy of the Commons

Den här uppsatsen undersöker kompositionsprocessen av ett 48 minuter långt sammanhängande verk med en genrebred ensemble. Upphovspersonen avsåg att skapa en stilistiskt fungerande helhet där sex klassiska musiker, fyra jazzmusiker och åtta sångare samverkar med en förprogrammerad elektroakustisk stämma i surround. Även den elektroakustiska stämmans tillkomstprocess redogörs för, liksom de olika lösningar som behövdes för att, både musikaliskt och tekniskt, passa ihop den med ensemblen. Frågan om synkronisering mellan ensemblen och den elektroakustiska stämman tas upp, liksom lösningar av balansproblem. Valet att inte förstärka instrumenten elektriskt medförde ett stort ansvar hos upphovspersonen att instrumentera musiken omsorgsfullt och justera såväl rummet som vissa instrument.

Det tragiskas hemvist : En uppsats om relationen mellan plats och sanning i Heideggers tänkande

In the 1969 Le Thor seminar, Heidegger stated that his philosophical journey could be characterized by three different themes: meaning, truth, place. The first two of these have been the subject of countless studies and discussions, but the question of place is still relatively unexplored in Heidegger?s thought, despite the increased interest for this topic in his writings. Even though scholars like Jeff Malpas, Edward Casey, Stuart Elden and Miguel de Beistegui have written books and essays on the importance of the conception of place in Heidegger?s thinking, there are still many important aspects of this theme to be discussed, given the importance Heidegger himself ascribed to this topic.In this essay, I therefore wish to pose the question of how one can understand the relation between place and the role of tragedy in Heidegger?s conception of truth.

Misskötsel av sopor : ett utbrett fenomen

Syftet med min underso?kning var att studera studenters och la?rares uppfattningar av den flexibla utbildningen. Detta har la?nge varit ett intresseomra?de fo?r mig. Eftersom jag har erfarenheter av flexibel utbildning sa? underla?ttade det fo?r mitt arbetssa?tt genom uppsatsen.Fo?r att fo?rsta? grunden till flexibel utbildning behandlades distansutbildningens historia i bakgrundskapitlet och da?r kno?t an till hur informations- och kommunikationsteknologi kan anva?ndas i va?r tid fo?r att sto?dja denna form av utbildning.Detta genomfo?rdes med den fenomenografiska ansatsen som forskningsmetod.

Solär Tragedi : Herakleitos Fragm 94

What are the basic thoughts formulated in the Heraclitean fragments? A cosmology, a philosophy of nature, the idea that all can be reduced to a single substance? There is always a risk that Heraclitus is fitted into a thought pattern he doesn?t belong to, if we ? from our present horizon ? focus on continuity in an attempt to frame his thinking as part of an overall progress, running from the so-called pre-Socratics to Aristotle, in the history of philosophy. If we picture the dawn of Western civilization as an early development of scientific thinking, built on a gradual and continuous growth of knowledge, we will easily go astray as we try to discover the Greek origins of philosophy. Assuming, for example, that the readings of Heraclitus as a natural philosopher have come to a dead end, can we approach the fragments from a different angle?The aim of this paper is not to give a systematized reading of all the remaining fragments of Heraclitus, but neither to necessarily contradict the various interpretations that emphasise how these shattered remains reflect a coherent philosophy.

Det var en gång... : Halta-Cajsa berättade, en analys av småländska sägner

This essay is intended to illustrate the norms and values which can be deduced from the notifier Catarina Andersdotter and recorded by Gunnar-Olof Hyltén-Cavallius. Reflects the legends of the peasant culture and life during the later part of 1700´s and early 1800´s.                      In the background material, I have assumed the following conditions of life; faith, love, work and children. Since Hyltén-Cavallius is our filter between us and the notifier, I have examined his life and incorporated events that may be of interest of the essay. Catarina Andersdotter´s life is described in the essay to show the factors and living conditions in her life that influenced her choice of stories.                      The environment of the commons over time period is described for the purpose of the variables of the legends. Legends have been qualitatively and quantitatively investigated.                      The essay shows that most of the legends deal with mytical world and its creatures as well as the interaction with humans.

EU:s Fiskeripolitik : På väg mot en rättighetsbaserad förvaltning?

Most of the sea areas within the European Union are overfished and the catches are estimated to be up to five times lager then the amount to achieve a sustainable fishery. In doing so, the management of EU's marine resources comes to be questioned. The purpose of this study was to analyze EU's administration of marine fisheries and to explore which steps that can be undertaken to counteract the negative trend. The questions of the study were: How does the EU administrate today?s marine fishery recourses? And: How can the problem whit overfishing be discouraged? To answer these questions a comparative analyses were used to compare and evaluate administrative systems.

Öppen innovation och immaterialrätt ur ett anti-commons perspektiv

Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka hur olika reaktionsbetingelser skulle påverka syrgasdelignifieringen av en sur sulfitmassa. De betingelser som undersöktes var utbyte, slut-pH, viskositet och kappatal. Massan som användes kom från Nordic Paper Seffle och alkalit som användes var magnesiumoxid. Syrgasdelignifiering av massan gjordes  i autoklaver i ett PEG bad där tid, temperatur och alkalisatser varierades.Resultaten visar att alla utbyten låg mellan 90-97% och att även de mest aggressiva betingelserna bara gav en viskositets reduktion på 260 enheter, motsvarande 19% av den totala viskositeten.Slut-pH för syrgasavluten hamnade mellan 6,5-9,4 beroende på alkalimängd och temperatur under delignifieringen. Slut-pH minskade när mängden alkali hölls konstant men temperaturen varierades mellan 110-140°C.Kappatalet för massan kunde effektivt reduceras från ett startvärde på 23,4 till ett slutvärde på under 5 med en temperatur på 140°C, alkalisats på 10 kg/ODT och en tid på två timmar utan större förluster av vare sig viskositet eller utbyte.En ovanligt resultat som upptäcktes under arbetet var att delignifieringen tappade i effektivitet med ökad alkalimängd och detta samband gällde vid alla betingelser.En teori om detta kan vara att jonstyrkan i lösningen gör att fibrerna i massan drar ihop sig och att syrgasen får svårare att reagera med ligninet..

Att arbeta med webbaserad sfi-undervisning : Sfi-elevers syn på internetbaserad undervisning som komplement till lärarledda lektioner

What are the basic thoughts formulated in the Heraclitean fragments? A cosmology, a philosophy of nature, the idea that all can be reduced to a single substance? There is always a risk that Heraclitus is fitted into a thought pattern he doesn?t belong to, if we ? from our present horizon ? focus on continuity in an attempt to frame his thinking as part of an overall progress, running from the so-called pre-Socratics to Aristotle, in the history of philosophy. If we picture the dawn of Western civilization as an early development of scientific thinking, built on a gradual and continuous growth of knowledge, we will easily go astray as we try to discover the Greek origins of philosophy. Assuming, for example, that the readings of Heraclitus as a natural philosopher have come to a dead end, can we approach the fragments from a different angle?The aim of this paper is not to give a systematized reading of all the remaining fragments of Heraclitus, but neither to necessarily contradict the various interpretations that emphasise how these shattered remains reflect a coherent philosophy.

Arkiverad men inte tillgängliggjord : En studie av upphovsrättslagen, kollektiva avtalslicenser och tillgängliggörande av digitaliserat arkivmaterial

This study focuses on the Nordic model of Extended Collective Licenses (ECL) and how this model can be used in the process of digitalising and publishing archival material such as photos, letters, maps or films. The question that this study aims to deal with is what advantages, and disadvantages, there are for archives and copyright holders when an ECL is being used. To help answering this question the ?theory of the knowledge commons? has been applied. The research question has been answered through a text analysis based on legal texts including Swedish law.

Tragedin i Senegals fiskevatten: Institutionella förutsättningar för en uthållig lösning?

Fiskresurserna har varit och är en viktig del i utvecklingen av Senegal. Men nu är situationen på väg att förändras och bestånden av fisk håller successivt på att utarmas. Inhemska och utländska fiskare rivaliserar om resurserna. Fiskarna bryter mot de gällande reglerna samtidigt som kontrollen av nyttjandet är bristfällig. Detta leder i sin tur till att regleringen av resursutnyttjandet blir problematisk.

Carbon sequestration in the pastoral area of Chepareria, western Kenya : a comparison between open-grazing, fenced pastures and maize cultivations

Carbon sequestration through restoration of degraded pastoral soils is an advocated way of mitigating global warming, and simultaneously alleviating poverty. An often proposed rehabilitation strategy is fencing of pastures, a method that was introduced to the farmers of Chepareria by the Vi-Agroforestry organization in 1987. The landscape of Chepareria changed from eroded, over-grazed grasslands, to a mixture of open-grazed commons, pastoral enclosures and cultivations. The aim of this study was to investigate (1) if the soil organic carbon (SOC) is higher inside the enclosures than on the open-grazed commons, (2) if SOC is affected by duration of fencing and (3) what effect cultivation of pastures has on the SOC. Estimations of vegetation cover and deep profile (100cm) soil sampling was performed on six clusters containing; (1) open-grazing (OG) (2) 1-5 years of fencing (FENCED(1)), (3) 7-10 years of fencing (FENCED(2)), (4) 15-23 years of fencing (FENCED(3)), (5) maize from OG (A(OG)), (6) maize from fenced pasture (A(FENCED)).

Skogen Brun : ett nedslag i västsvensk skogshistoria

After the last is age there was a long period when there was no shortage of forest for peoples needs. People living in Sweden could use the forest resources at their will. Around 4000 years BC the inhabitants of southern Sweden started to use the agricultural system and people become more stationary. The farms were located together in groups and together they formed a social association, the village. Successively the population grew and in some areas the forest started to become a finite resource.

Distribuerad öppenhet : En studie av konceptualiseringen av öppenhet inom open access-rörelsen

The following thesis concerns the conceptualization of openness within the open access movement. Open accesscan be understood as a phenomenon or a movement that aims at changing the current system of scholarly communication.Consequentially, the movements goals arose in relation to the escalating serials crisis in scholarly communicationand the increasing power of commercial publishers. The purpose of the thesis is to study three centralopen access declarations with the aim of uncovering the different conceptualizations of openness found withinthese texts. Leaning on the theoretical position known as actor-network theory, the declarations role within a surroundingnetwork is explored by focusing on how openness as a concept has been produced and reproduced bycentral actors. Two overarching questions frames the study: How is openness conceptualized within the declarations?And how can openness, as a concept, be understood as an effect generated by a larger network?The first part of the study focuses on the first question.

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